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If you’re thinking about upgrading your air conditioner, early spring is the best time to tackle this project. In the Baltimore, Maryland, area, average highs are below 70 degrees through April, and even May maintains comfortable temperatures. Schedule your service in the spring season so you can have a new AC system installed before the heat of summer hits.

Beat the Rush

The summer season is one of our busiest times for air conditioner repairs and installations. If you wait until the heat sets in to schedule your appointment, it may take longer to find a convenient time for your service. By scheduling your air conditioner replacement early, you can pick and choose your service time from a more flexible schedule.

Beat the rush of seasonal service calls and contact us in the springtime to discuss your options for a new air conditioner. We can walk you through the process at a leisurely pace, so you have time to think about your choices and get comfortable with the product that you select.

Enjoy Comfort All Season

If your air conditioner is 15 years old or older, it’s likely nearing the end of its usable lifespan. Upgrading now can save you from an uncomfortable down-time over the summer if it stops working entirely. You don’t want to suffer through poor performance at the end of your air conditioner’s lifespan. Getting a new system early will give you access to better comfort levels as soon as possible.

Working your air conditioner until its irreparable failure will also put you in the position of rushing to get a replacement. If you upgrade proactively, you’ll have time to carefully comparison shop, thoroughly research your options, and make sure you’re getting the best product for your needs. Our knowledgeable technicians will walk you through the process and help you find the best air conditioner for your needs.

Avoid Repair Costs

Toward the end of your air conditioner’s lifespan, it will likely experience more frequent repair needs. You can minimize these by investing in regular maintenance visits to keep your system in top condition. However, even the best care can’t prevent all the effects of regular wear and tear over time. If you’re having to schedule repairs for your AC system often, this is a key sign that the installation is nearing the end of its useful life.

Did you have a lot of air conditioning repairs at the end of the last cooling season, or did you suspect that a repair need was looming shortly? Avoid the expense of frequent fixes and consider upgrading your system early instead. The money you would have spent squeezing a few more months or years from your system can go into a new product instead.

Improve Your Energy Efficiency Early

If you’re looking for a smart way to make your home greener, a new HVAC system is an excellent start. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, upgrading from a standard air conditioner to a high-efficiency product can reduce your energy use by 20 to 50 percent. Today’s top models outperform their earlier counterparts significantly. If your current air conditioner is over 10 years old, you’re likely to reap significant energy savings.

You may also enjoy unexpected benefits if you’re upgrading from an improperly sized system to one that’s more appropriate for your home. Some builders cut corners and include undersized HVAC systems in their constructions. Your home may also have had a prior owner who wasn’t well-versed in air conditioning installations. If your home’s air conditioner is too large, it will cycle on and off more than it should. One that’s too small will run far too frequently. In both cases, you won’t get even cooling, and your system will suffer excessive wear and tear.

If you’re ready to discuss your options for a new air conditioner, contact our team at Griffith Energy Services at 888-474-3391. We’ll help you understand all your options and choose the right system for your needs. A new air conditioner installation can transform your home comfort, giving you a blissful summer season.

Image provided by Bigstock

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