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Air conditioning maintenance is very important to the overall performance of the system in your Berryville, Virginia, home. It’s important that you know the basics of your system and the signs to look out for in case of any future issues. During your next AC maintenance visit from a service technician, use this list of questions to ask how you can help the system remain efficient.

Why Is the Airflow Weak?

When you place your hand in front of the air vent, you should feel a steady flow of air coming through. If you don’t feel a steady stream of air, mention that to your technician. During your maintenance check-up, they inspect the components that may be causing weak airflow and determine what the issue is.

Weak airflow can indicate a number of possible issues, some more severe than others. Poor airflow can be the result of an improperly designed or installed duct system, although it can also indicate issues like a frozen evaporator coil, damage to the compressor, or a leak in the ductwork.

If the ductwork is leaking, sealing the metal ducts can resolve the issue right away. A zone dampering system could also improve airflow and provide more targeted heating and cooling in your home. This addition to your existing HVAC system allows the dampers to open and close as needed, providing more or less air to specific zones. Your HVAC technician can discuss all of your options with you to determine the best course of action.

What’s Causing All the Dust in My Home?

Dust can accumulate in your home when your HVAC system isn’t able to properly filter it out of the air. Your air filter could be to blame. Discuss with your technician the frequency with which you should be replacing your air filter and the quality of air filter that can best address the dust issue in your home. They can help you determine the correct size, quality, and replacement rate so it traps contaminants as the air moves through.

If anyone in your home suffers from allergies, your HVAC technician can upgrade your system to a high-efficiency filter with a higher MERV rating. These filters can trap up to 99% of particles and lessen the amount of dust in your home, helping to reduce allergenic symptoms and side effects. They can also guide you in possibly adding an air purifier to further improve the indoor air quality.

Where is My HVAC Filter?

Regular filter changes, typically every month or two, can improve the efficiency of the system, prevent overheating, and maintain better indoor air quality. If you don’t know where to find the filter, ask your technician to show you where it’s located and how to change it.

How Can I Lower My Summer Bills?

Utility bills tend to increase during the summer months as your HVAC unit works hard to cool your home. If your monthly bills seem too high, ask your HVAC technician to determine if you have an air leak, a problem within the air conditioning system, or a unit at the end of its functional lifespan. As your technician performs the tuneup, they can check for signs of inefficiency and talk to you about repair options. They can also provide you tips on how to maintain your system’s energy- and cost-efficiency by reminding you to change the air filter on a regular basis.

Should I Turn the HVAC System Off When I Leave?

Many homeowners wonder whether completely powering off the system when they leave for the day can save energy. Your HVAC technician can confirm that it’s actually more efficient to leave it on but adjust the thermostat up or down by five to 10 degrees, depending on the season. This strategy makes sure your HVAC system doesn’t work too hard to cool down or warm up your living space when you return or use extra energy when powering on and off. As you’re setting the schedule on your programmable thermostat, you can also raise or lower the temperature during the time you’re typically asleep.

At Griffith Energy Services, we specialize in offering comprehensive AC maintenance visits. And we’re happy to answer any questions you may have about your HVAC system during a maintenance service. Contact us at 888-474-3391 today.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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