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No one wants to breathe unclean air. If you think air pollution is a problem that’s strictly reserved for the outdoors, think again. In reality, the air in people’s homes can be up to 100 times as polluted as the air outside. While it’s smart to keep a home sealed away from the elements, it can also cause dirty air to cycle again and again through HVAC systems. Fortunately, there’s a lot you can do to fight back. If you’re worried about clean air, you should hire an experienced HVAC company and study up about the basics of clean indoor air solutions in Dover DE, which are highlighted below.

Indoor Air Pollution – It’s Worse than You Think

At a glance, the air in your home probably seems fine. Seeing is not believing, at least when it comes to clean air. In reality, the air in your home is choked with ultra-fine particulates that can invade your respiratory system and wreak all sorts of havoc. Common sources of indoor air pollution include pet dander, mold spores, dust, mildew and much more. Volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, are emitted from things like carpeting and fill the air in a home too. All of these things will be recycled through your heating or air conditioning system again and again unless you take action.

Portable Air Purifiers

Many people use portable air purifiers to clean the air inside their homes. This isn’t the most efficient option. For clean air in Dover DE, you need to start at the source. Huge volumes of air are pulled through your HVAC system every day. A single portable air purifier can’t hope to compare. By investing in components that purify the air as it moves through your HVAC system, you’ll be able to achieve truly clean air in your Dover DE home.

Furnace Filters

It’s crucial to change your furnace filter at least one time per month. However, make sure you understand what it’s there to do. A furnace filter isn’t designed to purify the air in your home. It’s there to protect the furnace and its components from potentially damaging particles. Its air-purifying capabilities are extremely limited. Some filters are billed as offering HEPA-grade filtration, but they can have a negative impact on the efficiency of a furnace. You definitely need to change your furnace filter monthly during the winter; just don’t assume that it’s improving the indoor air quality of your home.

Electronic Air Cleaners

Without a doubt, the best and most efficient way to maintain clean air in your home is by having an electronic air cleaner installed on your HVAC system. This will involve a fairly large investment, but the payoff is well worth it. Once an electronic air cleaner is installed, it continually filters all of the air that moves through your HVAC system. Whether you’re running the furnace or the air conditioner, you can breathe easy in the knowledge that the air that’s blowing out of your vents has been run through a first-rate filter. An experienced HVAC contractor can install this component for you.


Air pollution isn’t the only thing that can affect the indoor air quality of your Dover DE home. The humidity of the air in your home plays a key role in how easy it is to breathe. Extremely dry air can be hazardous to your health. If you or others who live in the home have allergies, asthma or other respiratory problems, dry air can exacerbate symptoms and make people miserable. A great way to keep this issue at bay is by having a humidifier installed on your HVAC system. This is the easiest way to maintain control over the humidity level of the air in your home.

Routine Maintenance

In addition to having your ducts cleaned regularly, you should have your furnace and air conditioner maintained by an HVAC company. In other words, don’t wait until something goes wrong to call an HVAC contractor. Your furnace and air conditioner need to be cleaned on a regular basis, and routine maintenance needs to be performed on them as well. As long as these measures are taken, you should enjoy clean air. You’ll also be able to keep major repairs and other problems at bay.

At Griffith Air Conditioning and Heating, we understand the importance of clean air. We are committed to helping our customers achieve and maintain exceptional indoor air quality. Whether you need an electronic air cleaner or humidifier or want the ducts in your home cleaned, we can help. With a few simple steps, you can dramatically improve the indoor air quality of your home. When the air inside your home is clean, the people who live there will be healthier and happier. There’s no need to put up with poor indoor air quality. For clean air in Dover DE, contact Griffith Air Conditioning and Heating today.

Image courtesy of iStock

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