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We do a lot to prepare for the one time when everything goes wrong. We pay monthly fees for automobile insurance even though we may never have an accident. We pay hundreds for health insurance and maybe only put it to use once a month. At times, such measures can feel like a waste, but when that emergency finally hits, we’re grateful we have the aid.

You may have insurance, but how else are you prepared for the day when disaster strikes Baltimore, Maryland? Do you have a plan? Food storage in case you can’t make it to the store? One way you can prepare for future emergencies is by installing a standby generator, which will supply power and security in dangerous times. Once it’s installed and that blackout strikes, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without one. Here’s why.

What Is a Standby Generator?

A standby generator is far more than just a big battery. It’s a source of power, comfort, and safety when your home is cut off from utility power. A standby generator primarily consists of two parts: the standby generator unit, which generates power, and the automatic transfer switch. Unlike some generators, which require extension cords or additional wiring, standby generators are installed into the home’s existing wiring.

As soon as the system senses that the home’s been cut off from utility power, the automatic transfer switch moves the electrical circuits and appliances to backup power. Then, as the generator supplies power to the home, it waits, and once it senses the return of utility power, it shuts down, ensuring no energy waste. Like HVAC systems, standby generators are fitted for the size and needs of the home, which is important in preserving energy and reducing the chance of short-cycling.

Gas Vs. Propane Generators

So that you can have the generator fitted to your lifestyle, standby generators can run on a variety of different fuel types, the most popular being gas and propane. Both types of generators run the same, and both fuel sources will be able to supply reliable power. Gas is more affordable and easier to find, but those strengths have the potential to become weaknesses when gas quickly disappears from stores in an emergency. Gas also only has a shelf life of about 12 months, while propane has an indefinite shelf life.

However, propane-fueled generators tend to be more expensive. Propane also burns cleaner than gas. The fuel you choose to run your generator ultimately comes down to your budget, whether you have the space to store backup containers of gas, and how environmentally conscious you are.

Benefits of a Standby Generator

Installing a standby generator will put a dent in your budget, so what makes it worthwhile? Can’t you just live in the darkness? Well, you could, but a blackout does more than just turn off the lights. It cuts off power to your appliances, which can allow all the food in your refrigerator to spoil. It cuts off power to security systems, which lowlifes may be tempted to take advantage of during the blackout period. A standby generator supplies power to your appliances and security system, giving you peace of mind you wouldn’t otherwise find.

As opposed to other, smaller generators, which would require you to brave the storm to go out and turn them on, standby generators are completely automated and will turn on as soon as utility power is cut off. Plus, when the power finally returns, there’s always the possibility of a dangerous power surge, which could deal permanent damage to your wiring. A standby generator also protects your home from those surges.

Suppose you’re convinced that you need a standby generator and you’ve even started doing some research. What brand of generator should you go with? You should choose the best generator on the market, of course — and the best generators out there are made by Generac. Their generators provide all the peace of mind, comfort, and convenience you need in a time of crisis. To refuel that Generac generator once you’re enjoying its benefits, call Griffith Energy Services at 888-474-3391.

Image provided by Bigstock

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