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A hidden danger could be lurking right outside your Berlin, Maryland, house — your heating oil tank. Over time, heating oil tanks are prone to corrosion and other damage that could make them unsafe, cause leaks, and waste your money as well as impact the environment. Since they tend to corrode from the inside out, it’s hard for homeowners to tell when they’re in need of replacement, even when they’re outdoors in plain view.

This is why the Griffith TankSure Program is so important! With a specialized ultrasound test, similar to a medical ultrasound, we are able to inspect your heating oil tank to make sure it is safe and in proper working order. Imagine the peace of mind you and your family will have with this regularly scheduled maintenance service.

How Long Does a Heating Oil Tank Last?

Just like every other component of your home, such as a roof or a refrigerator, heating oil tanks have an estimated lifespan. When purchasing a home with an existing heating oil tank, it’s important to find out the age of the tank. However, many homeowners don’t have access to that information, so they may have to estimate its age.

Today’s modern, technologically improved heating oil tanks are manufactured with double walls and polyethylene materials, and have a lifespan of 20 to 30 years and even beyond. However, if your tank was installed in the late 1990s or before, its lifespan is only 15 to 20 years — which means it’s likely ready for replacement very soon.

Risks of Damaged Heating Oil Tanks

The risks involved with a damaged heating oil tank depend upon the location of the tank. The most obvious problem with a leaking heating oil tank is that you waste your money. Nobody wants to spend hundreds of dollars to fill their tank only to lose half of it through a hole draining into the ground. Aside from this, however, there are many other concerns.

Outdoor heating oil tanks run the risk of contaminating the soil surrounding the tank. It can also pollute the groundwater, which is very bad news is your home’s water source is a well. This leak could affect your neighbors’ property and water sources as well. It is estimated that one gallon of spilled heating oil can contaminate a million gallons of water. If your heating oil tank leaks and contaminates the soil and water surrounding it, you may be subject to fines or even legal actions as a result.

If your tank is installed inside your home, such as in a garage and basement, you run additional risks. If nothing else, a leak or defective fitting can cause unpleasant smells that are nearly impossible to get rid of. Heating oil links can contaminate wells that the home uses as a water source. It can also cause significant health problems in the home’s occupants. Symptoms include eye irritation, dizziness, drowsiness, disorientation, headaches, and nausea, and long-term exposure may require medical attention.

How the TankSure Program Works

When you sign up for the TankSure Program, a professional inspection of your aboveground heating oil tank is included with your annual heating system tune-up. Our ultrasonic tank test is EPA-approved, and will tell you exactly what condition your tank is in so there are no unpleasant surprises, which always tend to happen at the worst time.

Some of the benefits of the program include:

  • A tank replacement payment for tanks that qualify for the program — a $1,000 to $2,500 value.
  • Proactive replacement, if needed, to protect your home, your property, and your family.
  • Inspection of all tank components such as vent pipes, fill pipes, oil lines, seams, and legs.
  • Automatic renewal in the program, ensuring that your tank qualifies for all program benefits.

Owning a home with a heating oil tank can cause additional concerns, such as regular refilling and maintenance. Our TankSure program can take some of the work and worry off your hands and give you the peace of mind you deserve! Call Griffith Energy Services at 888-474-3391 for more information about this valuable program or any of the other services we offer.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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