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Choosing an air filter that fits your Cheverly, MD home is very important. Your air filters work hard to ensure that your home has good air quality, even during Cheverly’s pollen-heavy allergen season, and can help keep your HVAC unit running smoothly. There are lots of types of air filters to choose from and we’ve created this small guide to help you figure out which air filter is right for your home.

Check MERV Rating

MERV stands for Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value. This numerical system helps you determine how good the filter is at trapping debris, from dust to bacteria. Lower ratings are less effective at trapping pollutants and are generally thinner while higher rated filters are thicker and are more capable of trapping undesirable elements. Higher rated filters also typically have pleats, which increase the filtration surface area.

However, while a higher MERV rating means less debris is getting through, the thickness can make it harder for your HVAC system to push air through. Therefore, make sure you carefully read your unit’s manual to ensure you’re choosing a rating that works best.

Washable vs Disposable

Washable filters tend to cost a little more than disposable, but since they’re reusable you’re not only reducing your home’s waste but over time it’ll help reduce costs. Disposable filters are ideal for homeowners who don’t want to spend the time washing their filters and don’t mind running to the store every three months to purchase a new filter. Both types do well with filtering.

Consider Your Family’s Health

If you have members of your family that have significant health issues, especially respiratory problems like asthma or allergies, then you may want to consider paying the extra money to get filters that will remove as many allergens and bacterium from the air as possible to improve air quality. However, if that isn’t the case, you’re just as well off getting less-thorough filters that cost less.

If you’re concerned about your home’s air quality and even a carefully selected filter doesn’t seem to cut it, contact Griffith Energy Services, Inc. at 888-474-3391 to schedule an indoor air quality consultation today.

Image provided by Bigstock

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