(888) 474-3391

There are countless benefits to installing a security system in your Easton, Maryland, home. At Griffith Energy Services, we recommend Marex Security as a convenient, affordable option for protecting your home and family.

Deter Theft

Installing a home security system is one of the best ways to stop a crime before it happens. Companies like Marex Security give homeowners signs they can post around the property to let would-be criminals know this home is protected. As such, a thief is less likely to break into your home and risk sounding the alarm.

Alert the Police

If someone does break into your home, the Marex Security system alerts authorities automatically. You don’t need to be onsite for the unit to dispatch police to your house. Thanks to a significantly faster response time, home security systems make it more likely for police officers to catch people trying to break into your home.

Save Money on Insurance

Did you know installing a home security system can reduce your homeowners’ insurance? It’s true! Your Marex Security system will pay for itself in the long run because you’ll enjoy lower premiums. In fact, with a Marex Security system, you could save up to 20 percent off your insurance premiums.

If you’re investing in a security system for a business, you may even be able to take advantage of tax write-offs.

Protect Against Lawsuits

Another benefit for both home and business owners who install a security system is they’re better protected from lawsuits. For example, if someone who visits your property falsely accuses you of assault, a security camera can prove the event didn’t happen. Security systems have been helping the police clear innocent people and arrest criminals for years, so why not have one covering your own property?

Protect your home and family every hour of every day with a Marex Security system. When you’re ready to deter criminals and keep your home safe, call Griffith Energy Services at 888-474-3391. We’ll be happy to walk you through your options.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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