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If you have an oil heating system already or if you’re debating about a system replacement, consider the oil heating benefits before making a switch. Oil heating offers tangible advantages in terms of comfort, reliability and safety compared to natural gas and propane systems.

Energy Efficiency

oil furnace

An oil furnace produces more heat than a natural gas furnace in the same amount of time. New oil furnaces are available that have annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) ratings that approach 99 percent, which means they use all but one percent of the fuel they consume to heat your home instead of wasting it in combustion gases. Gas and propane heating systems also have AFUE ratings this high, but they do not put out the same amount of heat per unit of fuel consumed.


Although there’s always a small risk of carbon monoxide exposure with any combustion heating system, an oil furnace is safer to use than a propane or natural gas system. Oil won’t explode in the same way that natural gas or propane can — one of oil heating benefits whose value is immeasurable. It’s rare for an oil storage tank to develop a leak, but if it does, it doesn’t pose nearly the danger that natural gas or propane leaks do.


An oil heating system lasts longer than a gas furnace does. A gas furnace has a working life from of a dozen years or more, while an oil system can easily reach 25 years and more with routine maintenance.

Cost Effective

All combustion fuel prices are volatile and change with supply and demand. However, given the recent increase in oil production in the U.S., oil heating is more cost effective than it has been for many years. An oil furnace typically costs less new than an equivalent gas furnace.

Learn more about Griffith Energy Services’ services, as well as oil heating benefits, or contact us today at 888-474-3391 to schedule an appointment.

Image Provided by Shutterstock.com

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