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If you own a home in Salisbury, MD, there will likely come a time when you have to replace the air conditioner. Your AC unit is designed to operate for 10 to 20 years, but you may try to extend that lifespan to avoid new installation costs. While many homeowners put off replacing their air conditioners, there are a few benefits that come with getting a new, energy-efficient AC in Salisbury, MD.

Improved Cooling Performance

The most obvious benefit of replacing your old AC unit is making the home cool and comfortable for you and your family. A new central air conditioner system doesn’t have to work as hard as your old unit to cool each room of the house. A new, energy-efficient model will better maintain your home’s cool temperature throughout the warm summer months.

A Lower Energy Bill

Although a new HVAC system may be an initial investment, it will be worth it in the long run when you see how much you are saving on energy costs. Newer HVAC systems can generate better airflow and are designed to be more energy-efficient to ensure you can cut down on the cost of operating it.

When it comes to the heating component of your HVAC system, your old boiler system may be too big for your home and therefore could be wasting energy. Hiring a professional to install a new, higher-efficiency boiler system during the summer will ensure that you stay warm this coming winter.

Avoid Frequent Repairs

With a new air conditioner, you don’t have to spend as much money on repairs because all of the components will be new and in excellent condition. You can save money by not calling a technician to come out to inspect and repair it every few months.

If your AC unit is at least 10 years old or is in constant need of repairs, it’s time to consider getting a replacement. Call us at Griffith Energy Services Inc. to schedule an appointment for an inspection and determine if your unit is no longer in proper working order.

Image provided by iStock

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