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Are you suffering from a stuffy nose, watery eyes, or itchy skin? Maybe you have frequent headaches or a sore throat that won’t go away. If you’re struggling with these symptoms, it’s important to track down the cause so you can put an end to your discomfort. Learn how you can tell if you’re dealing with a seasonal cold or poor indoor air quality (IAQ) in your Berlin, Maryland, home.

How Long Have You Been Sick?

Colds and other infectious diseases should have a finite lifespan. Most colds will go away within a week or two. If you’ve been suffering for more than two weeks, you’re probably dealing with something more serious. If you have a fever or other serious symptoms, you may have an infection, which requires proper medical care. If you’re dealing with more minor symptoms that simply won’t abate, it’s likely allergies or issues with your IAQ.

Are You Feeling Itchy?

Itching eyes and skin are a common sign of allergies. Watery eyes can occasionally accompany a cold, but they’re more common with allergies. If your home and HVAC systems haven’t been properly cleaned and maintained, you may have dust, dander, pet hair, pollen, and other allergens lurking inside.

Other irritants like chemicals, gases, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), can cause similar symptoms. These contaminants may cause fatigue, dizziness, nausea, congestion, headache, sneezing, and coughing.

Is Your HVAC System in Shape?

Have you had your HVAC system properly maintained? You should schedule routine maintenance for your heater and air conditioner once a year. DIY maintenance includes regular filter changes every one to three months. If you’re still struggling with poor IAQ symptoms after these tasks, installing an air purifier can offer additional benefits for healthier, cleaner air.

If you’re struggling with uncomfortable symptoms that could be linked to your indoor air quality, contact Griffith Energy Services, Inc. at 888-474-3391. From routine maintenance visits to advanced indoor air quality solutions, we can help with whatever you need to keep your air clean.

Image provided by Bigstock

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