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No one likes having to pay exorbitant energy bills. During the winter, keeping the house warm can be an expensive proposition. Heating your Manassas, VA home doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. Implementing the following techniques will help keep your heating bills under control.

  • Replace Your Furnace Filters Regularly – Dirty furnace filters restrict airflow, which makes your furnace work harder. You pay for that reduced efficiency in the form of higher energy bills, so make sure to replace your furnace filter once a month during the winter. You may be able to clean it, but it’s generally best to replace it entirely.
  • Have Your Furnace Maintained – How long has it been since you had maintenance performed on your furnace? Chances are that it’s due for a tune-up. Griffith Heating & Air is available to perform maintenance on your furnace. By cleaning, lubricating and otherwise tuning up your furnace, you may be able to save up to five percent on your usual energy costs.
  • Turn Down the Thermostat – It’s nice to stay toasty warm during the winter, but it’s not worth it if your bill goes through the roof. Heating in Manassas MD can be very expensive. One way to keep costs under control is by keeping the thermostat at a reasonable temperature. By setting it at 68 degrees during the day and lower at night, you will be able to save a lot of money.
  • Bundle Up – Depending on the size of your home, it simply may not be practical to expect it to reach a really warm temperature without ending up with a huge energy bill. Invest in a nice, warm cardigan or robe and a toasty pair of slippers. You can also use an electric blanket to keep yourself comfortable. When you see how much lower your energy bill is, you’ll agree that these efforts are well worth it.
  • Seal Leaks – Make sure that your home is as sealed up from the elements as possible. People often overlook tiny cracks near windows and doors; such cracks can be resolved with a little caulk. The same thing is true about gaps between pipes and walls. If a gap is especially large, different materials can be used to seal it closed.
  • Be Smart with Your Water Heater – Unless your dishwasher requires a higher temperature to function properly, you should keep your water heater at the normal setting, which is usually around 120 degrees. Wrap the first five feet of the pipe that leads from your water heater with insulation. This will minimize heat loss and save you money.
  • Replace Old Appliances – One reason heating costs creep up over time is because appliances lose efficiency. It may be time to upgrade to a more efficient furnace.

When it comes to heating in Manassas, VA, there are plenty of ways to keep costs under control. A great first step is to hire Griffith Heating & Air to tune up your furnace, so give us a call today.

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