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The thermostat is often the go-to device when your home is uncomfortable or something’s wrong with the HVAC system. A programmable thermostat extends your control of home comfort and energy savings with automatic preprogrammed settings. Use these tips to maximize energy savings in your Baltimore area home.

Programs for Savings and Comfort

programmable thermostatEnergy Star has several suggestions on how to save energy while maintaining a comfortable home:

  • Leave time – Program the thermostat to turn back/up the heating or cooling set points 10 to 15 degrees from your comfort temperature.
  • Return time – Program the thermostat to engage the heating or cooling system about 15 minutes before you’re due home. Energy Star suggests 68 degrees during the heating months and 78 degrees during the cooling months.
  • Sleep hours – Program the thermostat to turn back/up the temperature four to eight degrees.
  • Morning – You may program the thermostat for “Return time” settings in the morning before leaving.

Best Practices for Thermostats

Programmable thermostats offer features to help you save energy beyond temperature settings and keep an eye on your HVAC system performance.

  • Thermostat alerts – If your thermostat operates on batteries, it will flash “low battery” or a similar alert when it’s time for a battery change. Your thermostat may also alert you when it’s time to change the air filter. Heed this alert right away. A clogged filter can increase HVAC energy usage up to 15 percent.
  • Keypad lockout – Programmable thermostats have a keypad lockout feature or a password. This helps prevent accidental or intentional changes to your program settings, which affects your energy savings.

All programmable thermostats have a “hold” feature that lets you temporarily override the current program in progress. Use the “hold” button sparingly. You don’t want to spoil your energy savings by adjusting the temperature too often.

For more tips using your programmable thermostat in your Mid-Atlantic home, check out Griffith Energy Services, Inc. HVAC solutions, or call 888-474-3391 to talk to a home energy expert!

Image Provided by Shutterstock.com

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