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Do you know about air conditioning SEER ratings? They’re ratings that reflect the energy efficiency of a specific air conditioning unit. 

What is a SEER rating?

SEER stands for the seasonal energy efficiency ratio. This rating measures the cooling efficiency of a particular air conditioning unit for an entire cooling season. It basically tells you the amount of energy the unit will use to cool your home. 

Why is understanding SEER important?

Understanding SEER ratings allows homeowners to compare the operating costs of differing cooling units and products. More energy efficient cooling systems will have a high SEER rating. In other words, a cooling system will use less energy to cool your home when that system has a high SEER rating. 

How high a SEER rating do you need?

Several years ago, the federal government mandated that all air conditioning units have a minimum SEER of 13. However, there are cooling systems on the market today with SEER ratings between 18 and 23. Most HVAC professionals recommend installing a cooling system with a SEER of at least 16.

Kind in mind that SEER only shows the potential efficiency of the system under perfect conditions. The majority of your system’s efficiency depends on correct equipment sizing for your home and proper installation. Therefore, while understanding SEER is a good first step, consulting with an HVAC professional will ensure that you have the most efficient cooling system for your home. 

How much money can you really save?

Saving money on energy costs depends on the cost of electricity. Also, high SEER cooling systems have high up-front costs, however, you’ll save money in the long run. 

Understanding SEER ratings will help you make an informed decision regarding your next air conditioner purchase. Contact Griffith Energy Services for more information on all of your HVAC needs. 

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