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How old is your Martinsburg, WV home’s furnace? If you find that you are having problems keeping your home warm during the winter or that it is incredibly expensive for you to do so, you should schedule a new furnace installation. Here’s what you should consider when trying to decide about furnace installation in Martinsburg, WV.

Why a New Furnace Installation?

The last thing you want to do is suffer through a frigid Martinsburg, WV winter without proper heating, and a new furnace form Griffith Air Conditioning and Heating can ensure that you and your family stay toasty warm. Choosing the right equipment for your furnace installation is important to the comfort of your household, so you should be sure to consider the heating capacity and energy efficiency of the furnace you choose for your Martinsburg, WV home.

Choosing a Furnace with the Right Capacity

One of the most important parts of furnace installation in Martinsburg, WV is choosing a furnace that has the right heating capacity for your home. Your heating load will determine the best equipment for your furnace installation. Heating load is the amount of energy required to keep your home at a particular temperature. This is usually affected by climate, the size of your home, your insulation and a number of related factors. 

If you select a furnace that doesn’t have a heating capacity that is large enough, you will have problems keeping your home warm. Additionally, choosing a furnace with a low heating capacity will require that it run all of the time to try to keep your home warm, which will drive up your energy costs. Our technicians can help you determine your heating load and find equipment that is appropriate for your household.

Taking Affordability into Consideration

Another important part of selecting the equipment for your furnace installation is finding a furnace that is affordable to install and affordable to run. While less energy efficient furnaces are cheaper, they also end up costing you the most in the long run. Additionally, if you purchase a furnace that has low energy efficiency, you are liable to miss out on energy saving tax credits that can reduce the cost of the furnace and the installation.

Understanding Furnace Efficiency

The best way to compare the efficiency of furnaces is by looking at annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) and heating seasonal performance factor (HSPF) ratings of equipment.

The larger the AFUE and HSPF numbers are, the more energy efficient a furnace is. Oil furnaces are the most energy efficient, but different brands and models have different ratings. These ratings allow you to compare the cost and energy efficiency of different furnaces in a way that helps you understand their relative efficiencies. Additionally, if you know what your current furnace’s ratings are, you can calculate your savings after your new furnace is installed.

Furnace Installation in Martinsburg, WV

Do you need a new furnace for your Martinsburg, WV home? Give us a call to schedule your free estimate today!

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