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While some maintenance tasks for your Carrier air conditioner should be handled by experts, your air conditioning filter is your responsibility. However, it’s easy to wonder about the best option when you begin to look. Should you choose the most expensive version? What do the numbers mean? Why are there so many options? Let us help you with the basics.

The Beginnings of Air Conditioning

Principles of air conditioning are known to have been used in ancient settings as air moved through moistened materials like reeds to alter indoor temperature. Circulation of water through walls was also used in ancient times for cooling. Modern air conditioning was invented based on principles of chemistry, and the use of refrigerant to create a heat exchange is integral in the operation of your existing Carrier system. 

Your air conditioning filter plays a role by removing airborne material that is in your home’s air stream. Dust and other particles can build in your system, impeding the airflow and decreasing the effectiveness of the unit. Your filter can also impede airflow, especially if it is clogged. It’s important to change dirty filters so that airflow continues to be adequate. A monthly check of your filter is suggested during summer cooling months.

MERV Ratings and Your Filter

Selection of your air conditioning filter should be based on filtration needs. MERV ratings are values that designate the effectiveness of a filter in straining particles from the air. Higher ratings indicate more intense filtration, but ratings above 12 are generally not appropriate for residential settings. The exception is in the case of a purification system that is professionally installed. Some of these exceed 12 in their MERV ratings. 

The most expensive filter may not be the most efficient. It’s important to take note of the MERV values as you consider price. It’s also important that you select a filter with correct measurements for your system. If your dimensions aren’t correct, you may affect the airflow by permitting large particles to continue in circulation. Measure your current filter for height, width and depth, rounding up any fractional results.

Ratings from one to four are best for window air conditioners. Values from five to eight are adequate for residential AC units while ratings from nine to 12 are useful if indoor air quality is a big concern. If you deal with a lot of allergy problems during times of high pollen counts, you may want to explore the possibility of installing indoor air quality equipment. There are even germ killing designs that capture and kill bacteria and viruses.

Most of our customers appreciate the fact that air conditioning was invented, especially during the warmer months in Baltimore, MD. The HVAC industry continues to design and manufacture a variety of products that address both comfort and air quality concerns for homeowners. Griffith Energy Services is committed to keeping up with the latest HVAC trends and developments, and our contractors provide expert service and advice for both basic and complicated residential issues.

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