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Many homeowners in Maryland use oil storage tanks as their primary source of heat, but these tanks aren’t infallible. There may come a day when you run out of heating oil, so it’s good to know what measures to take when that day arrives.

Maintaining Oil Levels

Preventive maintenance, whether done by yourself or a licensed professional, is often the key to a long-lasting and efficient heating system. Monitor your tank and try not to let it drop below one-quarter of a tank. Doing so will take away the potential surprise of suddenly running out of heat, and always leave you with a reserve in case of emergencies.

What if I Run Out of Oil?

No matter what preventive measures you take, the possibility of running out of oil at some point is always present. As soon as you are aware your oil will run out, or it already has, get a hold of Griffith Energy Services and pick a delivery time. Even in an emergency, we’ll get to you as soon as possible and refill your tanks.

In the meantime, do whatever you can to keep the heat already in your home from escaping (i.e. close curtains, block drafts, etc.). If it’s going to be a while until you receive more fuel and you have alternative means of heating your home, such as a fireplace, get those operating.

If you need to order oil or have more questions about your oil storage tank, contact us online or give us a call at 888-474-3391

Image provided by Shutterstock

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