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Whole-home ventilation systems are a valuable addition to any Baltimore, Maryland, home. From pollen to dust, there are numerous irritants that can sneak into your home from the outside air. Yet sealing up your space leads to another problem, as you’ll face stale, stuffy air. Consider these compelling reasons why you should invest in a mechanical ventilation system for your home.

Modern Homes Are Exceedingly Well Sealed

Ventilation is a relatively new feature for homes, and it can lead some to ask why these systems are so important now when we didn’t need ventilation for homes in the past. The answer comes down to modern sealing and insulation. Today’s homes are typically very well sealed with weather stripping, caulking, and insulation to keep air from escaping the house. This is good for energy efficiency but bad for your indoor air quality, as it traps stale air and indoor pollutants in the home.

Poor Air Quality Is a Major Hazard

If the air in your home isn’t properly ventilated and filtered, you can end up with a buildup of irritants like dust, dander, and pollen. These can aggravate asthma and allergies. VOCs can come from numerous sources including new upholstery, adhesives, and home cleaning products. If these aren’t ventilated, you may suffer from headaches, nausea, and other unpleasant symptoms. Clean air is important for good health.

Ventilation Filters Incoming Air

After discovering the hazards of indoor air pollution, your first instinct may be to open the windows, yet the air outside isn’t necessarily a clean, healthy alternative. You can let pollen, exhaust fumes, and other irritants in from the outdoors. A mechanical ventilation system filters air as it enters the home, so you can create a fresh, breathable space.

If you’re interested in exploring the options for a mechanical ventilation system in your home, contact Griffith Energy Services at 888-474-3391. We can help you upgrade your air conditioning system to include proper ventilation so you’re always able to enjoy clean, healthy air in your home.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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