(888) 474-3391

Best Practices for Energy Savings in Cold Weather

Instead of shivering this winter to achieve cold weather energy savings, employ some of these tips to help you cut energy usage without sacrificing your comfort. The two appliances that use the most energy during the winter months are the heating system and the water...

Avoid the Headache of Furnace Replacement — Do Your Homework First

When a furnace replacement tops your home improvement list, give yourself plenty of time to do the research that will help you choose the system you need based on your home’s heating requirements. Your budget, safety and comfort are at stake, so making an educated...

Furnace Installation in Westminster, MD

If you are considering new furnace installation in Westminster, MD, Griffith Heating & Air is available to help you with every step of the process. The first thing you need to do is consider the age and energy efficiency of your current furnace. We typically...

Repair or Replace your Furnace in Frederick, MD

If you need to repair or replace a furnace in Frederick, MD, make sure to call Griffith Heating & Air a call. For over 100 years, we’ve been helping businesses and residents stay warm in Frederick, MD. With our 24/7 emergency service, we’ve on the...

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