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Your thermostat is the control hub for your home’s cooling system. Make sure your Cheverly, Maryland, home is properly controlled by keeping your thermostat in good condition through regular maintenance and prompt repair visits when needed. Watch for these signs that something is amiss with the Cheverly, MD thermostat that is controlling your home’s AC system.

Your System Cycles Frequently

If you notice your air conditioner turning on and off frequently, this could indicate a problem with your thermostat. If the thermostat isn’t reading temperatures properly, it may signal to your system that it needs to turn on or off more often than is really necessary.

Short cycling may also occur if your refrigerant levels are low, if the filter is clogged, or if you have a dirty evaporator coil. These issues are more likely if you haven’t had regular maintenance performed in the last year. During tune ups, our technicians charge your refrigerant as needed, replace your air filter, and clean the evaporator coils to help you avoid these problems.

Your System Doesn’t Cycle at All

If your air conditioner meets your desired temperature yet fails to turn off, your thermostat may not be sending the right signals. If your air conditioner runs constantly because it cannot meet your desired temperatures, this is likely a different problem. In this case, you may have leaky ductwork, a low refrigerant charge, a dirty filter, or a damaged blower motor or fan. All of these issues can be resolved with an AC repair visit from one of our technicians.

If your home is too warm and your air conditioner is taking a long time to turn on or bring your home to the target temperature, this is another potential indicator of a problem with your thermostat. However, this could also mean that the AC system itself isn’t functioning though the thermostat is still trying to communicate with it. Call our technicians for a proper diagnosis.

There are Hot and Cold Spots in the Home

If you notice areas of the home that are significantly hotter or colder than others, this could mean that your thermostat isn’t telling your AC system to cycle properly. If it doesn’t run long enough, the system won’t be able to send cool air to the further reaches of the home. This problem could also indicate that your thermostat isn’t in the right area of your house. If the thermostat isn’t centrally located, it’s not getting an accurate temperature reading for your home.

The Home Maintains Incorrect Temperatures

Do you have a programmable thermostat that seems to forget your programed settings? Perhaps it’s maintaining an even temperature in the home, but a different thermometer indicates that the actual temperature is different from what your thermostat is saying. These are sure signs that there’s something wrong with your thermostat. Our technicians may be able to help you calibrate the system properly so it’s reading and delivering temperatures accurately again.

The Screen is Unresponsive

If your thermostat screen doesn’t illuminate and respond as it should, this is a clear indicator that something is wrong with this part of your HVAC system. If the thermostat isn’t working consistently but still responds some of the time, you can try performing a factory reset. This may resolve your problems. If the thermostat still isn’t working properly, check your warranty to see if it’s still covered. Mechanical errors are almost always included under your warranty, so you may be able to get a new system.

If your system is no longer under warranty and isn’t turning on or responding properly, you may need a new installation. Our technicians can inspect the problem for you and confirm whether or not it’s time for a replacement.

If you suspect something is wrong with your thermostat, give Griffith Energy Services a call at 888-474-3391. We can help you get to the bottom of the problem and come up with an efficient AC repair solution that will return your home to cool comfort. Whether we repair your existing thermostat, help you with another type of AC repair, or assist with a more efficient replacement at the end of your thermostat’s lifespan, rest assured that we’ll find the right answer for your issue.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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