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While air conditioners have existed for decades, many people in Cheverly, MD, continue to believe some common misconceptions about them, how they work, and more. Below are some of the most common AC myths to ignore at all costs.

1. A Bigger Air Conditioner Serves You Better

Although the size of an air conditioner matters, it doesn’t necessarily translate to efficiency. It is important to purchase an AC system that is proportionate to your home’s needs. A wrongly sized cooling system may cycle more often, leading to a shorter lifespan.

It’s a good idea to talk to an experienced service technician before scheduling an AC installation. They will be able to fully evaluate your cooling needs and recommend the right air conditioner for your home.

2. Turning the Temperature Lower Means Quicker Cooling

This myth was common in the past when homeowners didn’t understand how air conditioners worked. A lot of people turned their thermostat temperature settings lower, believing that doing so would make air conditioners cool spaces at a faster rate. This isn’t true.

Whether you reduce the temperature of your air to one degree or 20 degrees, the system works the same way. What matters is the time and settings you have selected. All you need to do is program your thermostat to where you want it.

3. You Save Energy by Turning Off Your AC When Not at Home

This tactic doesn’t always work. If you switch off your air conditioner before leaving your house on a hot summer day and switch it back on when you return home in the evening, your system will have to overwork to cool your home. What you can do is slightly adjust your thermostat a few degrees higher than normal rather than turning it off completely.

4. Your Air Filters Can Go for a Year Without Replacement

As time passes, air filters collect dust, dirt, and other particles. This leads to poor airflow, which makes your air conditioner operate inefficiently. That’s why it is important to schedule regular maintenance on your AC.

Regular maintenance helps clean your filter, making it easy to clear any dust and particles that the naked eye can’t see. A dirty air filter can worsen indoor air quality. You should replace air filters as per manufacturer recommendations. The benefits of seasonal maintenance are endless, and your home will remain a safe, healthy environment.

5. Thermostat’s Position Doesn’t Matter

The position or location of your thermostat is important for the normal functioning of your air conditioner. Normally, a thermostat should be away from any cooling or heating source, preferably in a central area where it can obtain average readings of your home’s temperature levels. A wrongly positioned thermostat leads to a waste of energy. However, a properly positioned one will meet your home’s cooling needs by accurately reading the temperature levels.

6. You Should Close Vents in Unused Rooms

This is another common myth about air conditioners. When you close vents in unused rooms, it destabilizes air distribution throughout your house. Another side effect is the buildup of pressure in your air ducts – making the AC work extra hard to cool your home.

7. You Don’t Need to Prep Your AC System for Warmer Weather

Unwise as it may sound, some people continue to believe this myth. Before warmer weather arrives, you need to ensure that your air conditioner is working properly. Some of the things you must do before summer sets in include clearing dirt and debris from the outdoor unit and ensuring the filter doesn’t need to be cleaned or changed.

There are many air conditioning myths that still exist, but the majority of them are false. As a homeowner, you need to understand how your AC works to distinguish facts from fiction. Contact Griffith Energy Services today to learn about our comprehensive air conditioning repair and installation services.

Image provided byiStock

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