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The end is in sight. After some impressive winter storms in the mid-Atlantic region this winter, it’s time to prepare your home for spring. Although you may think surviving Maryland’s winter is enough to do, you still have plenty of work ahead to get your home ready for the change of seasons. Discover seven ways you can prepare your Baltimore-area home for spring, including preparing your air conditioner and checking your home’s insulation.

Power Down the Heat

Your heating system has made your home warm all winter, but the change of seasons means it’s time to transition from heating to cooling. Although the timing may seem counterintuitive, consider getting your furnace inspected once winter is over.

If a major issue arises with your furnace, you can catch the problem early and repair it before next winter. If you need to start thinking about replacing your furnace, then you have enough time to consider new heating systems and save money for that purchase.

Your HVAC system is a big investment. You don’t want to get an unwelcome surprise next winter when your furnace decides not to turn on during the first snowfall. By having your system checked now, you will be more than ready for next winter.

Repair Winter Damage to Your Home

Once all the snow has melted, check on what kind of damage winter has left in its wake. Make a visual inspection of your roof and gutters to ensure they’re still intact. Go to the attic or down to the basement to make sure you don’t have leaks in these areas. When the snow melts, you’ll have an easier time spotting leaks.

If your home has some storm damage, then you may want to have a professional take a more thorough check of your roof as well. Inspect your siding to see if any pieces may have come loose during the winds related to winter storms. Many of these issues are easy to fix if corrected early.

After a winter storm, be proactive about checking all areas outside of your house to make sure your HVAC unit isn’t damaged from snow or ice buildup.

Consider Energy Star Upgrades

Now is the best time to check your appliances to see if you want to consider replacing or upgrading them. Check your water heater for corrosion and have your furnace inspected. If your appliances have passed a certain age, consider upgrading to Energy Star appliances to increase the resale value of your home, save money on your utilities, and lower your carbon footprint.

If you’re not ready to upgrade your appliances, at least make sure your appliances are running efficiently. Review your utility bills from last spring and summer; compare the costs from month to month to determine when you use your HVAC system the most.

If you discover your energy bills  are higher than last year for no apparent reason, this sign may suggest that your appliances will need to be replaced at a future time. While you have your utility bills out, run some calculations to figure out how much Energy Star appliances could save you in operating costs over the life of the appliances.

Prepare Your Air Conditioner

After winter’s bitterly cold weather, you may be excited to finally feel some natural warmth. However, that early spring warmth will soon lead to sultry mid-Atlantic heat and humidity, forcing you to need your air conditioner perhaps earlier than you would like. Make sure that your air conditioner is ready for summer by having the unit serviced during spring. 

Many people turn on their AC unit when summer arrives, hoping for the best. The hottest days of summer are a busy time for HVAC companies, so being proactive with your air conditioning system can give you the peace of mind that your system is functional and ready to run before summer arrives.

If you haven’t already invested in a preventative maintenance agreement, this might be the time to start. With a maintenance agreement, your tuneups are scheduled in advance. Your HVAC technician will check out your entire system and look for any sign that your system isn’t running efficiently. This process may save you time, energy, and money by alerting you that your system might not last. You also save money on your utility bills with an efficient system.

Update Your Interior Decorations for the Season

For both aesthetic and functional reasons, don’t forget to upgrade the interior of your home with the change in seasons. If you switched your fans to rotate clockwise during the winter, make sure you reverse the direction to counterclockwise to cool the air for spring and summer. 

Take down, clean, and store any winter draperies from your doors and windows. Some homeowners hang heavy drapes in the winter to help keep the cold air from seeping in through cracks in the windows. You can store those window treatments for the spring and summer and hang breezy curtains that let the sunlight in.

Now that winter is over, you may want to also consider some projects you’ve been putting off. Walk around your home and decide if you want to tackle any decorating projects. Spring is a good time to try new DIY projects and chances are you could use a change throughout your home with some spring and summer decorating, such as hanging new pictures or changing the accent pillows on your sofas and chairs.

Focus on Spring Cleaning Your Home

Although many people dread spring cleaning, the cool weather of early spring is the perfect time to start fresh in your home. If you have objects accumulating in your attic, take time to tackle the clutter. Once you have culled the clutter from your home, keep your home clean.

Although you want your home to be clean so it looks nice, you also want to make sure that your home doesn’t affect your health. Since spring can be miserable for allergy sufferers, consider having an indoor air quality test performed on your home. The test results will help you find out if you have any potential allergy triggers in your home. 

Once you’ve had your indoor air quality test completed, consult the advice of your HVAC technician, like one of our Griffith Energy Services professionals. If any significant issues exist, have them corrected immediately. You can also do small tasks throughout your home to improve air quality, including dusting, sweeping floors, and making sure areas prone to moisture have the proper ventilation.

Finally, consider natural alternatives to improve your air quality. Bring in indoor live plants and switch to natural cleaners without the harmful chemicals. Your family members will feel better this spring, and they won’t have to worry about allergy and asthma triggers within your home.

Check Your Home’s Insulation 

Since you’re already up in the attic organizing and decluttering, check your insulation as well. Ignore the myth that insulation is only relevant in the winter. Actually, insulation can also help keep your home cool during the summer as well; without insulation, the warm air from outside can easily seep through your walls inside.

Typically, you want your home’s insulation to be at least 12 inches thick. If the insulation depth is less than this figure, you are likely wasting valuable energy in your home. Although you can insulate your home yourself, especially if you’re familiar with the process, it’s usually best to leave this type of work to a home improvement expert. 

Hopefully, your home survived winter without major issues, but even if that isn’t the case, you still need to make sure that your HVAC system receives servicing, you’ve done some spring cleaning around your home, and you’ve properly transitioned your home from winter to spring.

Although the list of tasks may seem overwhelming, enlist some help. Our Griffith Energy Services team can help you check your HVAC system, and your family can help you with your spring cleaning. Your Baltimore-area home will be ready for spring in no time.

Now is the time to schedule your appointment for maintenance or repairs on your HVAC system. Call Griffith Energy Services at 888-474-3391 to make your appointment today.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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