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Energy prices fluctuate, especially throughout the winter. As an Edgewater, MD, homeowner, you’re probably looking for ways to lower your carbon footprint as much as possible but still stay warm. Here are six suggestions for making your attic more energy-efficient.

1. Install Attic Fans

Attic ventilation fans draw in cooler air while pushing hot air out. They are not the same as whole-house fans, which cool the entire house. These fans ensure that the attic temperature remains consistent.

The type of fan you choose can alter the energy efficiency of your attic, depending on how well-insulated your home is and where you live. Many electric attic fans offer little to no energy efficiency. Why? Because the more they run, the more money you spend.

The most significant advantage of using attic fans in the winter is that they eliminate the potential for biological growth. Also, you won’t have to rely as heavily on your HVAC system to maintain a consistent temperature.

2. Upgrade to Energy-Efficient Insulation

Insulation is essential to making attics more energy efficient. During the winter, insulation works as a thermal blanket. It minimizes heat loss through the roof, which can lead to the formation of ice dams.

Ice dams form when snow melts and flows to the edge of your roof, where it refreezes. Furthermore, if the top of yours isn’t insulated, water may pool at the base of your home. This can result in leaks that are expensive to repair and maintain.

3. Examine Your Attic Ductwork

If your HVAC ducts run through your attic, you are more prone to losing cool or warm air. This is because some of it escapes before reaching your living space. Cooling systems like air conditioners regularly leak in the attic, and the ducts are susceptible to such leaks.

If possible, try avoiding ductwork in your attic so you don’t encounter leaks. If that’s not possible, see if your local HVAC company offers Aeroseal duct sealing services.

What’s great about this option is that it comes with a ton of benefits. Some include improved indoor air quality, lower humidity levels, and increased energy efficiency. Don’t forget to ask your chosen company about a warranty to cover any potential problems.

4. Consider a Metal Roof

Metal roofs are becoming more popular among American households due to their energy efficiency. They’re well insulated, allowing for precise temperature control throughout the seasons. This will give your air conditioning system a break and saves you money in the process.

5. Seal Air Leaks

As stated before, air leaks are significant factors in excessive utility expenses in many homes. An air leak means outside air enters your attic while warm and cool air leaves.

Sealing attic vents enhance insulation and closes biological growth entry points. As a result, your attic will be less likely to freeze up during winter. This will keep the rest of your house comfortable and reduce the need for air conditioning.

One approach to test for leaks is to have a professional walk into your attic with an LED flashlight. If they see light from the outside, it means you have leaks.

If there aren’t any leaks, your service technician may suggest all that’s necessary is to get your air ducts cleaned. Over time, they tend to accumulate dirt and dust, which can ultimately decrease the quality of air your family breaths and be horrible for allergy sufferers.

6. Take Note of the Attic Entryway

Many people often overlook their attic entries. Your attic may have a steady flow of warm or cold air if its entry isn’t properly insulated, resulting in excessive utility bills.

Optimizing your attic’s energy efficiency will improve the efficiency of your entire home. Your home will feel cozier, and your utility bills will be lower. Contact Griffith Energy Services today for information about our duct cleaning and Aeroseal duct sealing services. We’re also known for delivering outstanding heating and cooling solutions.

Image provided by iStock

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