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Ductwork is an essential part of most HVAC systems, but in most homes, it’s invisible. This creates the potential for unseen design hazards that affect energy efficiency and comfort level in your Easton, Maryland, home. Be aware of these common duct design mistakes and errors, and contact a professional to learn more about how you can fix your ductwork.

Duct Design Mistake #1: Undersized Ductwork

If your ducts are too small, they won’t be able to deliver adequate heating and cooling for your home, no matter how powerful your furnace and air conditioner are. It takes a well-trained professional to determine the right size for your ductwork. HVAC technicians use a method known as ACCA Manual D calculation to determine how large ducts should be for a particular home. Make sure you’re working with a contractor who relies on Manual D calculations rather than so-called “rule of thumb” calculations to determine the right size for your ducts.

Duct Design Mistake #2: Poorly Placed Elbows

Elbows in your ductwork reduce efficiency no matter where they’re placed. Air circulation is always disrupted by bends in ducts. Unfortunately, it’s not possible to install a system that’s without elbows. But the best ductwork design will minimize bends, utilizing long, straight ducts whenever possible. The one place you should never see an elbow is directly on top of a fan. Air should have a straight path as it heads in and out of the system.

Duct Design Mistake #3: Too Few Returns Vents

Take a walk around your home and make a note of all your HVAC return vents, the means through which air is sucked back to your heating and cooling system. Are there large expanses that have no returns? Do you notice hot and cold spots throughout the house? Too few returns can reduce efficiency and comfort. Talk to a professional technician about remedies for this problem.

If your ductwork design is lacking, contact Griffith Energy Services at 888-474-3391 to explore your options. From new ductwork to ductless installations, there are solutions that can provide a more comfortable home.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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