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Telecommuting to work from your Berryville, Maryland, home is a luxury many people want. If you’re lucky enough to work from home, boost your concentration with HVAC technology designed to give you wonderful air in your home office. HVAC tech like air purifiers, air quality monitors, and smart thermostats pinpoint IAQ issues and help you solve them.

An Indoor Air Quality Monitor

Air quality monitors are small devices that sit inside a room and test the air you’re breathing. They look for volatile organic compounds, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and small particulates that cause respiratory health problems. Most also measure indoor humidity and temperature. Get one that connects with an app for easy data checking on your phone. Watch the app as you take HVAC steps, like air filters and dehumidifiers, to rectify any issues the IAQ monitor picks up.

A Room Air Purifier

With a good air filter you change once a month, your HVAC system should remove many particulates and allergens from your indoor air. To make your home office air even cleaner, a single room air purifier is your solution. Good ones remove dust, dander, pollen, and tiny particulates from your indoor air. Some have carbon filters to help with errant smells in your indoor air. If you’re sensitive to noise, look for a model designed to produce only a quiet hum.

A Smart Thermostat

Smart thermostats benefit your entire house, but when you pair one with an HVAC system that has zoning capabilities, you’re in for a treat. Adjust the temperature in just your office’s zone via the smart thermostat or the smart thermostat’s app. That way if you prefer it warmer or colder than the rest of your home, you can work in the perfect temperature zone.

Next time you’ve got a tech from Griffith Energy Services over performing maintenance, ask for more information about IAQ improvement features you should look for in these home office devices. Or, give us a call today at 888-474-3391.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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