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With cold weather approaching, Frederick, Maryland, homeowners need to start thinking about how to stay warm in their homes. Instead of turning up the heater and wasting energy, preventive maintenance and some smart housekeeping practices can keep your home warm without wasting energy. Discover three ways to stay warm in your home so you can avoid continually reaching for the thermostat dial.

1. Caulk and Apply Weather Stripping to Doors And Windows

Inefficient doors and windows can lead to air leaks that waste energy. To find out whether your doors and windows are in good shape, check for air leaks by holding a flame up to the frames on a windy day. If the flame or smoke flickers, you’ve found a leak. Also be sure to check baseboards, electrical outlets, ventilation fans, and points where pipes and wires enter walls for leaks.

You can seal leaks with caulk and weather stripping. The team at Griffith Energy Services Inc. can help find and stop leaks to maintain a warm and energy-efficient home as colder weather approaches.

2. Replace Old Windows

The seals on old windows can degrade over time, allowing warm air to escape from your home. By replacing old windows with worn-out seals, you’ll be able to keep heat from escaping and improve the efficiency of your windows.

3. Cover Bare Floors With Area Rugs

During the cold months in the mid-Atlantic, place area rugs on as many bare floors as possible. Area rugs actually create another layer of insulation by trapping the cold air from chilly flooring surfaces.

In addition to wearing layers and giving your beds inviting winter wardrobes with down bedding and blankets, make sure your heating system has been serviced before winter weather arrives. Call 888-474-3391 and schedule an appointment with a Griffith Energy Services expert. Don’t wait until a costly home heating repair occurs before you begin thinking about how your central heating system will stand up to a mid-Atlantic winter.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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