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Believe it or not, your HVAC system can get sick just like any member of your family. And considering your Mid-Atlantic home’s HVAC system is one of your largest investments as a homeowner, it’s in your best interest to keep this from happening. An annual check-up with a professional HVAC contractor is just what you need to ensure your HVAC system stays healthy.

Not unlike a doctor, an HVAC contractor can engage in preventive care, diagnose problems and issues, and prescribe treatments. After all, your system’s mechanical parts can get worn down and fail, dirt and dust can get trapped in your condensing coils, electrical wiring can rot or need rewiring, and many other problems can arise. Your HVAC system is a complicated machine; it comprises more than 100 individual components, and any one of them can experience an issue or need to be replaced! Fortunately, though, having regular HVAC check-ups will reduce the chance of having a costly repair by more than 90 percent.

By contrast, an unmaintained system can cause these issues and more to arise and proliferate in your home:

  • Increased humidity
  • Bad indoor air quality
  • Water leakage
  • Carbon monoxide exposure

Having annual checkups for your system will help you to identify and address all of these HVAC issues. It also will extend the lifespan of your system and ensure you get the most out of your HVAC investment. To learn more, read through the infographic below. Then, if you decide you’re interested in learning more about our different HVAC maintenance services and options, give us a call at 888-474-3391.

HVAC maintenance infographic

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