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Gas and oil are two of the primary methods for providing heat to businesses. The Baltimore, Maryland, winter can be brutal, so having heating that works for you and your clients is vital. This raises the question: Does your business need gas or oil heat? We’ve broken down the differences between these two heat sources to help you figure out which heating system will work best for your business.


Thanks to its relatively low cost, natural gas is one of the most popular heating sources in the United States. In fact, the majority of homes and businesses use heating based on natural gas. The United States has large natural gas reserves and sources, meaning the price is likely to stay stable for a long time. 

Since gas is more common in buildings, you’re less likely to have to change your pre-existing heating system if you choose to stick with gas. However, it’s important to note that gas is reliant on a pipeline for transfer, which means you could be out of luck if a leak springs up or something goes wrong with the line.


Modern heating oil is a clean fuel, meaning it releases very little to absolutely no emissions into the atmosphere. While it may be more expensive, it’s more ecologically friendly than natural gas as it can be artificially produced with almost no impact on the environment. New technologies have helped cut down the consumption of oil in heating systems, making for an even smaller environmental impact. 

Oil is less flammable than gas, and water heaters that use oil replenish heated water faster than natural gas ones. This is an important consideration if your business regularly uses hot water. Plus, oil allows businesses to have their own source, meaning they aren’t reliant on city-maintained pipelines to deliver their fuel. 

Whether you choose gas or oil, we can help keep your system running smoothly. For oil delivery and gas furnace maintenance, give Griffith Energy Services a call at 888-474-3391 to schedule a consultation today!

Image provided by Shutterstock

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