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The journey to an energy-efficient home never ends. This spring, make your Columbia, Maryland, home an energy-efficient space by upgrading to low-flow bathroom products, Energy Star appliances, and energy-efficient doors and windows.

Go Low Flow

From toilets to faucets and shower heads, low-flow products keep you from using too much water. When you’re not consuming as much hot water, you won’t use as much fuel to heat the water, which saves you energy. Plus, you’ll be conserving one of the earth’s most precious natural resources.

Get Energy Star Home Goods

The Energy Star rating is best known for indicating household appliances that will save energy, but this rating doesn’t belong solely to appliances. Federal regulations place the Energy Star ratings on many consumer electronics, including televisions and sound systems. Look for Energy Star lighting, computers, and ceiling fans, too.

Invest in a New Air Conditioner

Although proper HVAC maintenance can increase your AC unit’s energy efficiency, an older system won’t be able to compete with the new Energy Star models. If your AC unit is older than a decade, your system will not have the same level of technology that will reduce your energy consumption. Call one of our Griffith Energy Services HVAC technicians to discuss upgrades that will best fit your lifestyle.

Install New Windows and Doors

If your home’s envelope is already properly insulated, take a look at the materials comprising your doors and windows. Hollow doors are lighter and cheaper, but they can let air through them. If you shut the doors to certain rooms of the house to manage temperatures, those hollow doors can work against you.

Similarly, energy-efficient window glass has multiple layers that let the light in without allowing heat or cold from the outdoors to enter into your home.

When it comes to HVAC efficiency, Griffith Energy Services Inc. is your resource. We’ll perform maintenance on your existing HVAC system and help you select energy-efficient upgrade units for your home. Call us at 888-474-3391.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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