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Heating oil represents a healthy percentage of what we do here at Griffith Energy Services. Due to the high BTU content of heating oil, it’s among the most efficient ways of heating a home or business. It’s also one of the safest, because fuel oil is incredibly stable, non-explosive, and combustible. And with petroleum prices continuing to decline, heating your home with this versatile fuel is more affordable than ever.

Unfortunately, however, there are a number of misconceptions surrounding residential heating oil. Tank contaminants, storage tank leakage, supposedly inefficient combustion, and storage safety concerns have given fuel oil an undeservedly bad rap.

Without exception, these problems are all easily solved by regular system maintenance, and by carefully selecting the construction and location of your storage tank. Additionally, Griffith Energy offers a TankSure® program to guarantee that above ground heating oil tanks are safe and leakage free. To learn more, check out our latest infographic below, and see for yourself how safe and efficient a heating oil system can be.

heating oil in the Baltimore, MD area (infographic)

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