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Your air conditioner may do its job keeping you comfortable, but it can’t hurt to give it a hand, right? For homeowners in Baltimore, Maryland, who want a simple way to upgrade their homes, installing ceiling fans is a great place to start. Install a ceiling fan and you’ll help your HVAC system maintain greater efficiency and comfort in your home.

Improve Efficiency

Using your air conditioner accounts for more electricity than any other appliance in your home. You can reduce those costs with a ceiling fan, which costs far less electricity to operate at only about a penny an hour.

Since a ceiling fan creates drafts on its own, you can also raise the temperature on your thermostat by 4 degrees without noticing any difference in comfort. That adjustment may seem like a small difference, but any amount of reduced strain on your air conditioner will improve energy efficiency and reduce your utility costs. You can use the same strategy during the winter by reversing the fan’s rotation, which will push warm air downward. Then you can turn your thermostat down by 4 degrees for greater savings. 

If you’re going to use a ceiling fan, then you have to know how to use it correctly. Remember that a ceiling fan won’t cool a room; it only creates a chilling effect over your skin. Turning on a fan to keep a room cool while you’re away from home only wastes electricity. 

Improve Health

Your HVAC system can help maintain healthy air in your home, but a ceiling fan can lend a hand with indoor air quality, too. Ceiling fans can limit humidity, which prevents mold, and improve comfort and energy efficiency. You don’t want your home to be too dry, so a balanced humidity level is best.

A ceiling fan may be the final touch you need to take your home’s comfort to the next level. For more help improving your home’s cooling comfort, call our Griffith Energy Services team at 888-474-3391.

Image provided by Bigstock

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