(888) 474-3391

If you’re wondering if furnace maintenance is necessary for your home, the answer is yes, especially for the Baltimore, Maryland, area. The winter temperatures often drop below freezing, and maintaining your furnace can protect you and your family from the cold.

Annual Inspections

Scheduling an annual inspection ensures that your system is tiptop and ready for the hard winter work it’ll have to do. Scheduling annual inspections let you stay on top of your furnace to make sure it’s ready for the harsh temperatures. If you let your furnace’s health dwindle, what could happen to your wallet later will make you wish you had taken better care of it.

You may be able to get away with less frequent inspections if your system is new. But as it starts getting older, especially after you’ve been using it for eight to 10 years, getting an annual inspection is a rule of thumb. Depending on what type of furnace you have, different things will be addressed during your maintenance visit. But a good HVAC technician will replace parts as needed, check for wear and tear, and be able to explain your furnace’s overall health to you.

Avoid Carbon Monoxide Leaks

For starters, an inspection could address any carbon monoxide leaks from your furnace. This odorless gas could be seeping into your home, causing sickness and, in some instances, death. These leaks are difficult to detect on your own. An inspector has all the tools and knowledge to find them and can also recommend a good carbon-monoxide detector for you.

Maintain Peak Performance

A good HVAC technician will bring your furnace back to good working order to make sure it doesn’t quit on you during the winter. As an added benefit, after a good tuneup, your furnace will run more efficiently during the winter and will save you money on your utility bills.

When you’re ready to schedule your annual furnace checkup, give our team at Griffith Energy Services a call. Give us a call at 888-474-3391.

Image provided by iStock

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