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If your furnace is reaching the end of its natural life expectancy, you’re probably considering many home heating options, including converting to an oil heat system. Of course, you can simply stick with the status quo and upgrade to a newer model of what you already have. On the other hand, if the performance and efficiency of your existing system have left a lot to be desired, you might be ready for a change. In that case, there’s no better time than now to think about converting to an oil heat system. More than 10 million homes in United States are heated by oil. 

Here are a few of the reasons why:

  • Oil heating can be more than 15 percent more efficient than natural gas in the ratio of BTUs of heat produced versus heat energy lost in the process. The newest high-efficiency oil heat systems deliver over 92 percent of BTUs of heat with only 8 percent loss.  
  • Oil burns hotter than gas or electricity, warming your home up more quickly. Per each gallon of oil, 138,000 BTUs of heat energy are produced.  
  • Oil is safer than natural gas with no explosion risk. Heating oil is actually non-flammable until it’s atomized inside the furnace. A match dropped in a pool of heating oil simply goes out.
  • Oil is very adaptable to energy conservation technology. Advances in oil heating science have improved efficiency, reducing the amount of oil utilized for heating by over 6 billion gallons compared to the 1970s.
  • Instead of dealing with a large, public-sector utility company for your heating needs, you’ll get your energy from a local private enterprise that’s competitive and service-oriented to earn and keep your business. Your monthly energy supply will be stored in your home, so there will be no worries about service interruptions.  
  • An oil-fired water heater incorporated in an oil heating system provides hot water at lower cost than gas or electricity.

Ready to make the switch or have more questions about converting to an oil heat system? In the greater Baltimore area, contact the professionals at Griffith Energy Services, Inc. for all the answers.

Image Provided by Shutterstock.com

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