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There are any number of things that go into making an energy-efficient home, from insulation and ducts to programmable thermostats and regular maintenance. However, one of the most important is the quality of your A/C installation. The key to knowing that your unit has been installed properly is choosing a qualified A/C installation contractor. There are several things to look for.

Load evaluation

The contractor should inspect your home and your equipment to determine the proper sizing for the new unit to be installed. This should not be based on the old unit because your needs may have changed. The contractor should also explain why he’s recommending the equipment that he has chosen.

Unit efficiency

The A/C installation contractor should provide you with documented proof that the equipment to be installed will operate at the efficiencies promised in its certification.

Duct inspection

The contractor should carefully examine your ductwork to ensure that there are no leaks. There should be no dust, debris, leaks or damage.


The A/C contractor should measure the amount of airflow in your system. Insufficient airflow will cause your unit to operate inefficiently and can also cause safety problems.


The contractor should ensure that the outside condenser unit has a sufficient amount of refrigerant to guarantee efficient operation.


The A/C contractor should check to ensure that the thermostat and all other controls are working properly.


The contractor should provide you with a complete check list showing all of the work that he did, as well as all documentation, manuals and other materials related to the equipment that he installed.

Choosing an A/C installation contractor is crucial to ensuring that your home is comfortable and energy-efficient. If you have any further questions about this, please feel free to contact Griffith Energy Services. Our team of highly trained and experienced professionals has served the mid-Atlantic region for more than 100 years and we will be happy to help you.

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