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Winter has arrived, and you’re looking for ways to make your Ocean City, Maryland, home cozier. Your home’s heating efficiency should be one of the first things you consider. It may be time to look into adding a ductless mini-split heat pump to your house. This type of HVAC system functions in a way that helps boost your heating efficiency.

How Does a Ductless Mini-Split Heat Pump Work?

A ductless mini-split heat pump differs from conventional systems because it doesn’t require ducts. A ductless mini-split system has two sections: the outdoor condenser and compressor unit and the indoor air handling unit. These are connected, making it possible for this type of system to function without ducts.

The outdoor unit typically sits on the ground and can be connected to several indoor air handling units. The indoor air handling units are usually mounted high on the wall or the ceiling. These air handling units send out the air to heat the room. This type of system makes it easy to create zones inside the home that you can control individually.

Ductless mini-split heat pumps are often ideal in areas where it would be difficult to add ductwork due to space or other restrictions. They can also be beneficial if you are looking to move away from ductwork in your home to help improve air quality and efficiency. A ductless mini-split heat pump is also a good choice if you’re adding onto your existing structure because you won’t have to tie it into your current HVAC system.

How Can it Boost Your Heat Efficiency?

Ductless mini-split heat pumps can help boost your home’s heating efficiency in a variety of ways.

Eliminating Ducts

Your air ducts may seem airtight, but they could be leaking air out within the walls of your home with you knowing it. Removing the ducts in your home can make your HVAC system more efficient because all the heat is reaching the area you intend to heat. With a ductless unit, you don’t have to worry about keeping your ductwork in optimal condition.

Add Heating Zones

With a ductless mini-split heat pump, you can easily create zones in your home to more finely control the heating situation. Zones allow you to heat one area while leaving other areas at a lower temperature — you no longer need to keep the whole home set to the same temperature. For instance, you can raise the heat in your living room for family movie night while keeping the unused areas of the house at cooler temperatures. Using zones in your home can increase your energy efficiency, as you’re not warming up empty rooms.

High SEER Rating

Most newer systems have higher seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) ratings than many older systems. You may find that adding a new ductless mini-split heat pump to your home helps reduce the amount of energy the unit needs to run compared to your old system. You can cut down on your energy bills thanks to this newer technology.

Year-Round Comfort

Not only does a ductless mini-split heat pump function to keep your home warm during the winter months but it can also keep you and your family comfortable year-round. You can use these units to cool your home, as well as heat it. As a result, you only need to have a technician install one system in your home, rather than both a heating and a cooling unit.

Improve Air Quality

Air quality issues not only make your home uncomfortable but can also impact how your HVAC system runs. Installing a ductless mini-split heat pump can help improve your air quality because the system won’t be working as hard to push air through ductwork.

If you think that a ductless mini-split heat pump may be precisely what your home needs for the coming winter and beyond, contact our experienced professionals at Griffith Energy Services today. Our skilled staff can help recommend the best setup for your home, along with the benefits that can come from having this type of heating system.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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