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You may or may not have heard about ductless units as one of your cooling options. Although ductless units offer many advantages, there tend to be a lot of myths surrounding them. Consider a few of the most common myths and why they do not apply to your Baltimore, Maryland, home.

Myth #1: Ductless Systems Require More Upkeep

On the contrary, ductless units can actually be easier to maintain. Many homeowners find it easier to remove and replace their air filters with ductless units. The maintenance process even tends to be easier for your HVAC technician. Not only is the ductless unit likely to be in a location that is easier to reach than traditional units but the individual parts are also easier to access. With a ductless unit, you can also eliminate the need for duct cleanings altogether.

Myth #2: Ductless Units Lead to Poor Air Quality

Not only is it a myth that ductless units lead to poor air quality but they also tend to have better cleaning capabilities than traditional HVAC units do. There are no ducts for the dust, debris, and other harmful air contaminants to get stuck in. Additionally, each air system has its own filter, making it a great way to actually improve your air quality.

Myth #3: Ductless Units are Only Ideal for New Builds

Many homeowners do not believe that their homes are eligible for ductless units unless they add-on or rebuild part of their houses. This is also a myth and ductless units can also be installed into existing homes. It is true that you will find them most commonly installed in new homes but this is often because they are easier to install and because they provide many advantages so homeowners often choose them when they are starting from scratch.

Don’t listen to the ductless myths. Ductless units can actually be easier to maintain and improve your home’s air quality, and you can have a ductless unit installed in your current house. Call Griffith Energy Services today at 888-474-3391 to learn more about how ductless units may benefit your Baltimore house.

Image provided by iStock

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