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Did you know that it’s possible for the air quality inside your Washington, DC, home to be more dangerous than the air outside your home? However, there are steps you can take to improve indoor air quality by installing a new HVAC system. Here are tips for improving indoor air quality and knowing when you might need a new air conditioner.

Replace Your Air Filters

If you’ve recently noticed that your air conditioner isn’t performing well, then replace the air filters. New filters will more effectively capture dirt and contaminants.

Install an Air Purifier

Your home might need an air purifier. This device is also called an air scrubber, and it filters the air each time your HVAC system cycles. Installing an air scrubber helps eradicate pollen, dirt and other pollutants from your home’s air space.

How Can You Tell It’s Time for a New Air Conditioner?

The first indication that you might need a new air conditioner is its age. Typically, a quality HVAC system will last you 15 years or more. The key to how long it lasts is whether you’ve maintained it properly. Here are the signs that it might be time for a new AC unit:

  • Your house is continuously humid or stuffy.
  • Your utility bills have suddenly started to escalate.
  • The AC unit no longer reaches the thermostat’s temperature setting.
  • You’re hearing strange noises or smelling odd odors.
  • You’ve needed to repair the unit more frequently.

As you can see, there are steps to take prior to installing a brand-new air conditioning unit. If you find that replacing the air filters or installing an air purifier isn’t the solution, then you should consider buying a new unit.

As a first step to installing a new air conditioner, we invite you to call one of our friendly technicians at Griffith Energy Services. We will provide you all the information you need to make an informed decision.

Image provided by iStock

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