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As summer approaches, most schools in Easton, Maryland, will release their students for a few months. Whether your kids are in elementary school or coming home from college for summer break, you may notice an increase in energy usage during these months. With summer temperatures averaging in the 90s, you will need a cool home. Also, allergies will be returning, so keeping the air clean and healthy will reduce symptoms. However, keeping a cool, clean, and healthy home can get pricey. Here are 4 tips to keep your costs down.

1. Teach Kids about Energy Usage

Children may not be as aware when it comes to saving energy. You may follow a trail through the rooms your teenagers have walked, only to see lights, televisions, and other electronic devices left on. But teaching your kids about energy and wastefulness might help them understand the benefits of conserving. For younger kids, make the learning experience fun by doing crafts that relate to energy and electricity. Then make a point to show your family how you conserve energy.

2. Reduce Allergy Symptoms

If anyone in your home suffers from allergies, they may experience worse symptoms during the summer. Pollen levels tend to be higher, and having the windows open on cool summer evenings allows allergens and other contaminants to come into the home. Avoid allergy flare-ups by changing the filters every month or two.

3. Regular Air Duct Cleaning

As the air conditioner runs, it pulls air into the system, along with any pollen, dirt, dust, pet hair, dander, and other debris. These allergens might re-circulate multiple times per day, causing the allergies to flare up. But with regular duct cleaning and sanitizing, you can reduce the allergy risks in your home. Air duct cleaning helps to improve your indoor air quality, which will be helpful as you have more people within the home each day.

4. Schedule HVAC Maintenance

Another way to prepare your home for summer break is to schedule an HVAC maintenance service. During this routine check-up, your HVAC technician will check all components of the cooling system to make sure they’re working properly.

Get your home summer-ready with a cooling system maintenance service from Griffith Energy Services, available at 888-474-3391.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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